Individual Rights and Individual Sovereignty!

  The Concept of Race nbsp;                nbsp;                Return to IRIS
      By Jenifer Johnson                                                  12 July 2004

The concept of race, means that one has the ability to classify each individual on earth into distinct groups according to biological markers, in which an individual either belongs to or can be excluded from a group, classified as a race.

The concept of race is false, plain and simple.

The concept of race, is that of mutual exclusion, which means one can be of only one race. Mutual exclusion can also be demonstrated by the fact it is physically impossible to be in two places at one time.

The reproduction process of taking two, to create one, is a system of mutual inclusion, which proves that any concept of mutual exclusion to be invalid.

For the concept of race to be valid, the reproduction process of one unique individual solely being able to procreate, then its offspring solely being able to procreate, establishing an ancestral linage of mutual exclusion. Therefore, the claim of being of one race, is mutually exclusive of being that of another race. One can not be that of another race.

One might ask where did this concept of mutual exclusion originated? A man called Moses, that considers himself a Jewish Prophet, thought he talked to god and considered himself a spokesman for god, to convey his messages or teachings to his people, the Jews. The five books of Moses, call the Torah, is the basis for Judaism. To be a Jew, one is born, not made. The concept of mutual exclusion is developed by the code of Jewish law that to be a Jew, one has to be born of a Jewish mother, creating a system of mutual exclusion.

The concept of race/racist/racism is Jewish Dogma, passed down through the centuries promoted for self and political interest. The ideology of race is established in the Torah and all through the Talmud, the basic books of Jewish doctrine and law called Talmudic Law. The Talmudic Law is full of language that portrays the Jews as God's Master Race and depicts all other races as animals, trash, and garbage. By discrediting the belief in race, you will discredit the basis for Judaism, therefore Jews promote the concept of race to promote and protect their belief in race.

The only factual link to another individual is through one's parentage which is call genealogy, linage, or ancestry. If one had a pedigree chart back to the beginning of time, then you could establish a claim of ownership to everyone in your group (race). The fact we can all procreate means we came from the same source, where humanities pedigree chart would link everyone together making only one race.

The reproduction process of dominant and recessive genes makes each individual a merge of two distinctly unique individuals and their ancestry. Therefore, the reproduction process proves the fallacy of the concept of race (mutual exclusion) not being an objective classification, but only a label of distinction. When two people with the greatest degree of deviation between them procreate, the offspring doesn't create a new race, when the only factual link is their parents.

Humanity is individualistic, where no one is equal and everyone is a unique individual. No one on earth is the same or has ever been the same. Therefore, the concept of race is a subjective classification, with no basis in fact to link two individual on earth horizontally together, as a means of excluding others. The concept of race is claiming ownership to an object without title. Your racial claim of ownership is totally subjective, with no factual bases for exclusion. Therefore, concept of Race can only be another label of distinction, just as Sally, is a female name.

Each individual is uniquely distinct, so the claim of one's ability to distinguish between two people with the greatest amount of deviation, is pointless. Looking for differences or similarities is the process of differentiating. When you call someone white, there is no qualifying factor that makes someone white, only your perception of a horizontal link. There would have to be a factual link (genetic marker) that only belong to a single group. The problem is, there is not one characteristic or human trait that is exclusive to one racial classification. The genetic marker x can be found in races other than race A, and not all of race A has the genetic marker x; making the concept of race as a classification, subjective.

Humanity is like the color spectrum in which we are all related or connected. You can distinguish between white and black, but there are billions of tones of gray, with no distinguishable line of demarcation (race). Understanding color; the absents of light is black and all the colors in light, makes white. The absent of pigment is white and all the colors of pigment makes black.

The concept of race is like any other ideology in which one can believe in or not. To claim someone is a racist, is only projecting their belief in race (Judaism) onto another. Not only is behavior pathetic, but it preaching lies.

To prove there is no difference in racial discriminating, please ask yourself what the difference is between a black man that discriminates against another black man, a black man that discriminates against a white man, and a white man that discriminates against a black man, and a white man that discriminates against a white man?

From an individual perspective, there is no differences.

From a group whore's perspective, a black man that discriminates against another black man is totally natural acceptable behavior, in the spirit of competition. A black man that discriminates against a white man is totally justified and should be encouraged as the result of centuries being on the shit end of the stick. A white man that discriminates against a black man is racist, and government has a right to force their association and acceptance. A white man that discriminates against a white man is no big deal because it happens every day.

That is because, the concept of race is only a political construct, as the result of being from a group perspective, instead of from an individual perspective. Racists use their group distinction all the time solely for group benefit. The politics of race is the driving force of all race whores. Zionism is a prime example. The Civil Rights Act is another example of Group Whoring.

From an individual perspective, and as a truth seeker, I am not obligated to believe or be controlled by their lies. Believing in the concept of race, is like everyone telling you, you have to believe that the world is flat. People are in denial and are conditioned to believe that race exists for political control. One can not continue to believe in the concept of race and have an understanding of Genetics and the Genome. "All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." --- (Arthur Schopenhauer)

Humanity is individualistic, where no one is equal and everyone is a unique individual creating a hierarchy of human value in relationship to each other. That is reality and the only person you can blame is your creator. Group whoring is wanting to blame others for your position in relationship to others. People's problem with race, isn't with the label of who they are, it is with the reality of what they are. Until they deal with the reality of what they are, they will never resolve the issue with the label of who they are. All we are is individuals, and the rest are just labels of distinction. The real issue is, the comparison between people and dealing with another person's superiority/inferiority. Only the person that can't deal with their own inferiority claim racism.

As an individual, the only thing that separates us all is our standards, values and beliefs; where your's are as valid as mind. One's personal preferences, which constitutes one's right to accept or reject, is as valid as another's. Using the concept of race to control or dictate to another what their choice should be, is Jewish Dogma (race/racist/racism), plain and simple.

As an individual, everyone has a right to project their commonality to form groups, but a group does not have the right to project its control over the individual. A group whore, is one that use's a group identity as a political tool to force an agenda onto a non-member, claiming group rights. Group's don't have rights, because all rights originate from the individual. Therefore, group rights violate individual rights.

Calling someone a racist, bigot, prejudice, intolerant is only an act of political terrorism hoping to intimidate in order to get one's way and get what they want, because you are a group whore. The Jewish mentality is notorious for group whoring, because they were the originators of Political Correctness that enacted the Civil (government/group) Rights Act.

Political Correctness was the brain child of a group of German Jewish elitists that fled like roaches, when Hitler came to power and ended up in California, where they infiltrated the American University System. Through political activism in the 60's, they were able to effect the American culture through laws of social engineering (The Civil Rights Act of 1964). How they explain their dogma is an attempt to synthesize Marxian and Freudian theories into a comprehensive critique for a modern industrial society, called Critical Theory. Herbert Marcuse considered himself, the father of the Left, pushing Cultural Marxism a.k.a. Political Correctness.

If you look at all the organizations that push political correctness today, through political activism, they all have Jewish finger prints all over them. Jews promote the concept of race to promote and protect their belief in race. Whether you want to call it Socialism, Communism, Zionism, Marxism, Judaism or Collectivism, it all violates individualism. The impetus is group rights, where the group is more important then the individual. Group rights violate individual rights.

Only individual rights are valid, where equal rights are equivalent to group whoring. Human beings are unique individuals, where no one on earth is the same or has ever been the same. It is a sick mentality to think one can use their group identity for unwarranted privileges; because "Equality" is only a concept in math, and to take from one, to give to another, to make equal, is theft.

Only a sick leach of humanity thinks their group identity gives them the right to force their inferiority on to another. Only a mentally ill individual, with a stalker mentality, thinks they are justified in forcing themselves onto others. Their mentality is self-evident by their motivations and actions. If they had any self-respect and intellectual honesty, they would acknowledge their inferiority.

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